PWN Romania’s mentoring program brings members closer together and enables experienced professionals to be part of the growth and development of those who are at the beginner level of a successful career. Each member interested in becoming a mentor or a mentee (advice recipient) must fill in a standard form stating her goals, expectations and areas of expertise.

The committee of mentoring angels matches candidates according to their strengths and areas of expertise. This is a 6 months program, consisting of monthly meetings held either face-to-face or via phone/ Skype.

PWN Romania’s Mentoring program ran for the fist time as a pilot project in 2013 and took off. The first full-fledged program was in 2013-2014, creating life-changing impact and memories for both mentors and mentees. So far, the program had 6 full editions, creating a community of over 250 mentors and 350 mentees. The 7th edition of the Mentoring program will start this fall, in an online format – to keep our members safe – and will address the challenges created by the pandemic crisis in order to better guide the mentees to reaching their goals.



As a dynamic non-profit international network of professional women, the Global Professional Women’s Network uses the mentoring program as a tool to promote the professional progress of women in each phase of their career and helps them follow professional career paths.


Mentoring activity is a developmental partnership in which a person with relevant knowledge and experience (a mentor) shares knowledge and skills in order to support other people (a mentee) in their personal and professional development.


From an individual perspective, mentoring programs facilitate learning and mutual supporting relationships between the mentor and the mentee. The former contributes to the success of the latter by sharing lessons learned in the past and by providing insight into today’s business reality. In exchange, the mentor improves his communication skills and acquires professional recognition through the selection system. Essentially, the mentor provides professional potential development support, as well as access to professional networks which offer further opportunities. The mentee benefits of guidance in establishing and achieving professional goals. Therefore, he gains greater self-confidence and motivation.


Beyond the individual level, the mentoring program is beneficial also for organizations as it extends business networks and enhances business opportunities. It also improves strategic thinking in HR management (selection of high-potential employees, professional and personal development, more in-depth understanding of the organization).




The mentoring program is developed and implemented by the Mentoring Committee (Mentoring Angels):
Chairman: Paula Bușe, Vice-President Mentoring of PWN Romania

Members: Ana Maria Gergely, Raluca Nedelcovici, Mădălina Rădulescu, Paula Bușe, Ximena Reyes, Georgeta Dendrino, Petra Müller Demary.

 The mentoring program consists of four steps:

  • Registration in the program by filling the application forms – Mentee profile or Mentor profile – where the mentor and the mentee describe their profile and the match they are looking for. All profiles will pass among applicants for a first orientation in choosing their match.
  • Program launch – within a special Launch event, where mentors and mentees will gather together for the first time.
    • the mentors will introduce themselves and the mentees will finalize their mentor choice (three choices, in order of preferences);
    • the Mentoring Angels will describe the process and will inform participants about basic skills and best practices;
    • the latecomers will have their last chance to join on the spot.
  • Mentoring sessions will be held between mentors and mentees, online or face to face, depending on conditions.
  • Program Evaluation and Closing Celebration Event will take place in June 2021 and will sum up the program’s results.


The Mentoring Program involves at least  6 sessions’ commitment over a period of six months, either face-to-face or online. The duration, the structure and the content of these sessions is set by the two participants, Mentor and Mentee. Relevant best practice information, mid-course status summary and overall evaluation report will reflect the program’s achievements.


  • If you are a potential Mentee:
    Fill in the Mentee profile form, stating your goals, expectations and little information about yourself.
  • If you would like to become a Mentor:
    Send a CV at the e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and fill in the Mentor profile form.

The Mentoring Angels Team will pair Mentors and Mentees by using the steps described above. The Mentoring Angels remain at the disposal of every interested person and provide Mentors and Mentees with required information. They also answer questions and make suggestions regarding further improvement.

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